About Me

Hi, Iā€™m Matt, and I am a Product Designer.

Since 2016, I have had a passion for the design and manufacture of products. Since starting my GCSE in Design Technology, I have been fascinated with Product Design and knew earlier on that I wanted to become a Product Designer. Since then, I have completed A-Levels and a Product Design Degree in the subject area to pursue my passion.

Currently, I work for an audio company called Custom Cans based in Cheltenham. We pride ourselves in making premium audio cables for HiFi systems and headphones as well as modifying headphones for customers.


I have a broad range of skills that I have acquired through my years at High School and University. These include, from most to least comfortable:

3D Modelling - Solidworks

3D Printing - FDM


3D Rendering - Fusion 360

Adobe Photoshop

Automotive Clay

Electronics - Soldering

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe After Effects

These skills are the main skills that I am comfortable using, however, I am enthusiastic and open to trying new skills and I usually pick up new skills fairly quickly. I enjoy using CAD the most but there is nothing more satisfying than helping at any stage of a project as it allows me to be adaptable and showcase my skill set.

I have worked on projects both in university as part of teams and individually as well as outside of university during an internship with Pheonix Consultants and my placement year with Custom Cans.



My internship with Pheonix Consultants gave me the opportunity to expand my skillset across the two weeks. While at Pheonix Consultants, I was tasked with coming up with a product that they could offer to their clients as branded merchandise, I initially liaised with the members to get an idea of what they would like to promote, and from there I conducted research and drew some designs for the members to review. From here designs were chosen, rendered and 3D printed. My placement year was working at Custom Cans in which I was involved with several products which have been released for sale on the Custom Cans website.

This placement year yielded a job opportunity within the company which later turned into a full-time role that involves managing internal orders for the company as well as contacting customers regarding orders, managing and sending orders along with making the audio cables the company sells.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing tennis, travelling with friends, modelling a 00 scale railway, and working on my car.



If you have something you would like me to design, or feedback on an idea or design I am available for freelance work so please get in touch using the Contact page or the social links at the bottom of the page, and I will be more than happy to discuss ideas with you.

If you have any potential job opportunities please get in touch using the Contact page and I will be more than happy to chat about the opportunities you have available.